A new, all natural, hair growth product

Today, I bought a recently released, proudly Zimbabwean, natural hair growth product called Feso.

This product is made up of essential oils and soap plant (aka Ruredzo, aka Dicerocaryum Senecioides). The main ingredient being the soap plant. It is native to Southern Africa, for as far as I know, and may possibly be found elsewhere. It is a vine-like plant, purple flowers, with thick thorns. I will share more on how it was used back in the day and it's properties in about a month's time when I do my progress update. 

Photo: Bart WurstenTwentydales Extension, Epworth, Harare

The instructions on the bottle are to spray it on the affected areas, not less than 3 times a week. And it can double up as an overall hair growth treatment.

My plan is to use it on my edges only (thanks to genetics, on my mum's side, I got super fine edges - my sisters think it's a hopeless case and will not grow, so I will stop at nothing to show them two hairs can pop up lol). I will try as best as possible to use it everyday.

My observation after use on day 1: it's a very watery consistency, creamy colour, and the scent of the essential oils is all that really comes through. It has a fresh, non-overpowering scent, so I'm super happy about that. I sprayed my edges and rubbed it in, it was well absorbed and seemed to "dry" pretty fast. There was no residue left over and doesn't have an oily feel at all - it's almost as though I wet and dried the area and that's it - no tingle, no nothing! Very different to a lot of products I've tried.

Cost R250/$20 for 200ml which I felt was reasonable, if it does what it promises. Has anyone heard or tried this product before? What was your experience? Please share in the comments section below.


  1. Great review. thanks for sending me your link on twitter :) Love your blog. Would be fab if you could check out mine too :) https://www.bloglovin.com/blogs/ravishingroses-13977717

    1. Thank you so much, appreciate you stopping by. I will be sure to check out your link. xx

  2. hi may you please update, did Feso work for you. do you have after pictures?

    1. Yes certainly, will be coming up end of Feb. Thanks for keeping an eye out.

  3. It's a nice article, Which you have shared here about the hair growth product. Your article is very informative and useful to know more about the best Black Seed Oil for Hair Growth. I am thankful to you for sharing this article here.


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