Possibly a late post, but like I always say... better late than never.  I'm sure a lot of you have heard of the new "go to" place for ethnic hair, called Candi & Co. It's part of the Sorbet Group.. I finally made it there last week, after deciding to try something a little different for an event I was attending.

I must admit, I was extremely anxious before the appointment as I didn't know what to expect and wasn't certain how they would handle my natural hair. To my pleasant surprise, I got there, it was not busy at the time, and I was given the most friendly stylist who instantly calmed my nerves!

I was taken through a thorough consult which included questions ranging from "do you suffer from any illnesses" to "what are you hair goals"! I must be honest, this was a new but extremely relevant experience for me - I have never been asked if I suffer from any illnesses at a hair appointment before - and yet this question is so significant in terms of the health of your hair, side effects of any medication one could be on, as well as helping to chart realistic hair goals! I could go on about so many other questions & experiences I had, but that would make this post crazy long...

On a lighter note, I am a weirdo for anyone who knows me... they handed me an little menu of beverages - and my usual self, is one that cannot make up my mind as to whether I'm hot or cold, so I ordered a hot and a cold drink... with no objection... very accommodating I would say!

Would I recommend them? Most definitely, yes... they cater to all ethnic hair types, have a variety of products suited to all needs, and they employ an professional and knowledgeable team of stylists.

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What do you look for in a salon? Anyone else visited candi&co and what was your experience like? For more info check out their website here.

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