Eyeglass wearers... A rant, some ideas, how do you still feel glam in a pair?!

Yes, I'm a 24-7 eyeglass wearer, never used to be before, and it has been an not so easy transition. If you are an eyeglass wearer I'm sure you can relate... having to wear the same frame all day everyday feels like wearing the same dress all day every day! It's more of an effort to look and feel glam when you have something sitting on your face constantly.

I thought it might be nice to share a couple of ideas on ways to 'deal' and make the most of the situation.

First decision I made was I would make an effort to buy a new frame at least once a year, so I could have options, and mix and match depending on my mood for that day or what I was wearing. I must at this point confess, that after purchasing my second pair, which cost me a heck of a fortune - not just in the frame, but in the lenses themselves - yes it's been about a year later, and I'm still feeling the pain of how much the lenses cost!! I didn't think that owning several pairs was going to be feasible.

Thanks to technology I stumbled upon a website www.firmoo.com an huge online store, they have a super large selection of affordable frames, including a section that features new arrivals, updated daily, here (this will be my weakness as I can't help myself when it comes to browsing), a service where your prescription lenses can be fitted and they ship internationally. Now I'm one for always trying an online shop of interest, at least once.

I was pleasantly surprised at how easy the process was. I simply had to pick a frame (the measurements were all included so I could compare against a frame I had already to get a general idea of the fit); uploaded a copy of my script, and took a measurement of my pupil distance (instructions on how to measure were super easy). They offer express shipping, I placed my order on the 11th and received it yesterday, the 17th - possibly a faster turnaround time that  your average local optometrist! #justsaying!!

My overexcited self spent the day sporting them. The fit was perfect, the colour of the frame matched what was on the website, the lenses felt just as comfortable as my other pairs - the overall quality... superb! Did I tell you they have 15% off your first pair? Yup, I will definitely be ordering more from them.

Are you an eyeglass wearer? Where do you buy from? Any ideas on how to stay budget-friendly and stylish at the same time?


  1. Nice frames, yu look so good in them im green with envy, thanks to my good eyesight i can not enjoy a pair hahaha

    1. Why thank you! You can always enjoy a clear pair, no harm in styling :)

  2. I am a full time glasses wearer too, and honestly I HATE it. I didn't need them till I was about 16, and ever since they have been the bane of my life!
    No matter what I do, I always feel they ruin my face - that makes me sound shallow! But I can never feel sexy, pretty or confident in my glasses!
    I buy new frames every year, wear contacts abut once a week, and always take my glasses off for a photo - so honestly I'm no help here haha!
    Yours look fabulous though! Great post!


    1. I totally hear you. I still do that too.. take off the glasses take a fee pics, put them back on take a few more, compare and always seem to prefer the pics without. I've found now that I have a few more options I'm kinda starting to embrace them & treat then more as an accessory. Would love to see yr different frames :)

  3. they're really cute! i've had the same pair for ages because i can't be bothered to get another pair haha, i usually wear contacts if i'm going out and wear glasses around the house.

    danielle | avec danielle // giveaway

    1. I wish I could wear contacts, I would own every colour possible! My eyes r just too dry to handle a full day even, I always land up looking like I've cried a river... For days! Appreciate your compliment ;)

  4. Those glasses are fab! I wear glasses a lot for work but I never buy new frames! Gotta get me some new ones :)

    1. Thanks girl! I'm amazed at the number of people who wear glasses after putting out this post. Go get you some new frames they will put a spring in your step :)

  5. Those are gorgeous frames! I agree about the expense. It's just cost me £80 to get new lenses with protective coating. I was dying inside when I paid.

    Bex x


    1. Thank you. Tell me about it.. I can feel your pain! :) thank you for your comment & have a great week.

  6. These glasses look so good! I need to buy myself a new pair, great timing!


    1. Oh definitely go for it, the quality and value for one are worth it. I'd love to see what you choose.

  7. These glasses are dope ! And you wear them very well


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