Carboxytherapy for hairline regrowth!

Firstly I wanted to thank you for being patient with me, especially after not receiving any posts in the month of October, for those that know me personally, you will know that this just could not be avoided.

I must start with the background story:

So... yes... I said carboxy therapy for hair regrowth. About 2 weeks ago I decided I would try having an hairstyle far out of my comfort zone, so I went ahead an had a weave sewn in. Biggest regret I would say. It was not only hot and uncomfortable as I was not used to it, but the reputable establishment I chose had a stylist or 2 work on my hair and sew in the wefts so tight I could barely open my eyes lol. I was told this was normal and it would settle after a week - not! A week later I was still taking paracetamol before bed to try and get relief. And after much self deliberation decided it was not worth it, regardless of the small fortune I had spent. So I took the hair down.

Sadly and as I had feared my edges aka hairline had vanished - poof, just like that, snatched!

Knowing several different options I could choose from to try and rescue my dilemma, I decided to give carboxy therapy a try. I mean why not, after all it makes for interesting content, right, even at the expense of my hair.

What is carboxy therapy?
It's the use of carbon dioxide, via an injection, deposited into the skin, with the aim of stimulating an reaction of healing. How so? The body in turn reacts by dilating the blood vessels in order to deliver more oxygen to the "affected" site. What does that mean? More blood circulation, more nutrients results in optimal conditions for hair growth.

Is it painful?
Anesthetic is applied to the area before it is treated, making the treatment painless. All you feel is a strange sensation as the gas enters the skin.

How much does it cost?
Treatments are charged per area. Averaging around R750 per site. With treatment of other body areas pricing can also vary slightly depending on what you are trying to treat eg. is it both cellulite & stretchmarks etc..

How many sessions does one need?
You need about 10 consecutive sessions, ideally 3 times a week. Thereafter, should the results be satisfactory, once a month for maintenance. This isn't always practical for most, so, weekly injections will still produce the desired results.

What else can you treat using carboxy therapy?
Fine lines, wrinkles, stretchmarks, cellulite, under eyes circles, localised fatty deposits and general skin rejuvenation.

(Please press "play" to watch a short clip of the procedure)

I plan to try and fit in as many sessions as possible within the space of a month, so if that happens, I will definitely be back soon with an update, failing which, I will still update but several months from now.

Lastly, I had the treatment done at Best Body Skin for more info you can call them on 0114479092.

Do tell, have you tried carboxy therapy before, what area were you treating and for what concern, and how we're your results?


  1. Hey, I took interest in the post last year, I was wondering what the results showed.


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